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In our growing market, Liberty Regional Medical Center is always looking to facilitate an adequate number of specialists to insure our growing patient population has the coverage required. If you are interested in this market as well as an excellent growth opportunity, please select your specialty below for our online CV submission form.

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Medical Records


Contact Information



Hours of Operation:

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am 5:00 pm

Friday: 8:00 am 2:00 pm

Closed Holidays


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I request a copy of my medical records?

Print and complete the AUTHORIZATION FOR RELEASE OF PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION form. Provide a copy of your legible, valid photo ID. Expired ID cards will not be accepted.

Authorization for Release of Protected Health Information

Authorization Form Instructions

The authorization can be mailed along with a legible copy of your valid photo ID.

Liberty Regional Medical Center
Health Information Management
462 E.G. Miles Parkway
Hinesville, GA 31313

You may also complete the Authorization on-site in Medical Records during business hours.

May I call or fax my request for my medical record?

Yes, please fax your request to 912-368-6038.

What is a valid ID card?

Liberty Regional Medical Center requires a photo ID card to request medical records. A photo ID card can include:
Government issued ID Card
State issued Drivers License
State issued Photo ID
Military ID
Dependent Military ID

We will not accept an ID card if it is expired or illegible.

How do I obtain my imaging/x-ray film?

Contact Imaging Services at 912-369-9400 ext. 1108

How do I obtain copies of medical records for those other than myself?

Minor ChildThe parent or guardian must complete the Authorization. Legal guardians must provide proof of legal guardianship.

Patients who are 18 years or olderA durable power of attorney (or other court appointed document) must be provided.

Deceased PatientInformation will be released to the executor or administrator for the decedents estate if such person has been appointed;

  1. By a decedents surviving spouse, if an executor has not been appointed; 
  2. By a surviving child, if neither of the above exist; or 
  3. If no surviving child exists, by any parent.

Can I view my medical records online?

Yes, you can view your medical records using the Patient Portal. You can also register in person at Patient Access or Medical Records. A valid photo ID is required. The Patient Portal can be accessed by going to Patient Portal.

>>>Click here for an instruction video related to the patient portal<<<<

What information is available on the Patient Portal?

The following limited information is available on the portal:

1. Patient Demographics
2. Provider Organization
3. Care Team
4. Care Plan, including goals and instructions
5. Chief Complaint and Reason for visit
6. Current Medication List
7. Medication History
8. Current Medication Allergy List

9. Medication Allergy History
10. Procedures performed during admission
11. Problem List, current and past
12. Results
13. Vital signs at discharge
14. Discharge Instructions for patients
15. Referral/Transition of Care
16. Smoking Status

If I want to review my medical record without requesting copies, can I do so?

Yes. Please contact Medical Records at 912-369-9454 to set up an appointment to view your medical records.

How long will it take to process my request?

In accordance to federal and state law, requests for medical records must be completed within 30 days. Medical Records is allowed a one-time extension of 30 days and we will notify you of that extension. The record will be released once all documentation is complete.

Is there a fee for obtaining my medical records?

In accordance to OCGA 31-33-3, 45 CFR 164.524, and organizational policy, Liberty Regional Medical Center (LRMC) may charge a reasonable fee for paper or electronic copies of the requested medical record for personal use.

How do I get a copy of a Birth or Death Certificate?

Birth and Death Certificates. Certified copies of Birth and Death Certificates are available through the Georgia Office of Vital Records in Atlanta, Georgia at 1-404-679-4702.

What are my rights as a patient?

Patient Rights (Notice of Privacy Practices). The Notice of Privacy Practices is available online and in any department in the Organization upon request.

How do I request an addendum or amendment (correction)?

Addendum/Amendment requests can by contacting Medical Records at 912-369-9454 to set up an appointment. Provide a valid photo ID.

Privacy You Can Trust