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LRMC Financial and Organizational Information Regarding Our Hospital

Financial and Organizational Information Regarding Our Hospital



Liberty Regional Medical Center

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In our growing market, Liberty Regional Medical Center is always looking to facilitate an adequate number of specialists to insure our growing patient population has the coverage required. If you are interested in this market as well as an excellent growth opportunity, please select your specialty below for our online CV submission form.

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Schedule your MEDICARE ANNUAL WELLNESS VISIT Today! To Make an Appointment, Call 912.876.5644

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Financial and Organizational Information Regarding Our Hospital

  1. Audited Financial Statements

  2. Going Concern

  3. Annual Hospital Questionnaire

  4. Form 990

    1. 2023

    2. 2021

    3. 2020

  5. DSH Survey

    1. 2022

    2. 2021

    3. 2020

    4. 2019

    5. 2018 Pt. I

    6. 2018 Pt. II

  6. Accreditation

    1. LRMC

    2. LRMC Lab

  7. Indigent Charity Care

  8. Collections

  9. Organizational Chart

  10. Real Property Holding

  11. Top Ten Administrative Positions

   13. Price Transparency Machine