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Liberty Regional Medical Center

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Community Health Needs Assessment

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Employee/Physician Area



In our growing market, Liberty Regional Medical Center is always looking to facilitate an adequate number of specialists to insure our growing patient population has the coverage required. If you are interested in this market as well as an excellent growth opportunity, please select your specialty below for our online CV submission form.

No Charge, No Co-Pay!!

Schedule your MEDICARE ANNUAL WELLNESS VISIT Today! To Make an Appointment, Call 912.876.5644

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Liberty Regional Medical Center is proud to introduce our new and improved website.

We hope you will find it to be even more comprehensive and user-friendly. Please take a moment to peruse its many pages where you will find even more helpful information about our services, up-to-date news and events, important biographical information about our newest physicians and much, much more.

You'll even find an Online Health Search Engine where you'll find a Health Encyclopedia and a Drug Encyclopedia, a General Health Research portal, the latest in Health News, Healthy Recipes and even information about Fitness and Nutrition. And these are just a few of the many topics available for you and your family.

Thank you for visiting! If you should have any questions or need assistance in any way, please feel free to contact us Liberty Regional Medical Center is our communities' source for all of our healthcare needs.

Meet our Newest Physicians

Stephen Tankersley, M.D.

Orthopedics & Sports Medicine

Bryan Ristow, M.D.


Robert Johnson, M.D.

Ear, Nose & Throat

Tometricia Brown, M.D.


Latest News & Events